Open source law is a big business area for me. I get at lot of work at Bender von Haller Dragsted that involves advising on legal aspects of the development and use of software released on an open source license. Some of that work reaches me through the cooperation that I do with Black Duck Software – the leading global provider of products and services for accelerating software development through the managed use of open source and third-party code.
Some of the local Scandinavian work associated with the Black Duck products is done in cooperation with Malmoe, Sweden based Purple Scout.
Last week I met with Hans Bak (in the picture above) of CodeExperts, based in Amsterdam. CodeExperts is a highly skilled reseller and business partner of Black Duck Software that offer a set of solutions and professional assessment services that provide the highest level of assurance during due diligences.
I hope to cooperate with Hans in the future to assist his European clients with legal aspects of the results of the Black Duck Software code reviews that Code Experts is offering.
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