Tim Clements Mr. Mitigate

Please, allow me to advertise and recommend my old mate from the Araneum days, Tim Clements. Tim will from 1 January 2008 be operating as an independent contractor specialising in project support services.

Tim’s firm is Mitigate:

Project support office

Build from scratch (define and implement) or support inflight projects. The office supports project managers by facilitating planning, risk management, lessons learned, knowledge management etc as well as providing administrative support following up risks, issues, status reporting etc.

Engagement is provided on a contract basis.

Workshop facilitation
Assist project managers by independently facilitating structured workshops for:

– Requirements definition
– Benefits mapping
– Project initiation
– Stakeholder identification & analysis
– Project scheduling & estimating
– Risk identification and analysis
– Risk management strategies
– Lessons learned
– Project closedown
– Project solving

Each workshop is structured according to the needs of the project manager and will generate pre-defined outputs (products).

Engagement is provided on a per workshop (day) basis.

Project quality reviews
Independent evaluation of the effectiveness of your project management environment to determine if your project(s) is on track to meet its goals. The reviews Identify issues and diagnose root causes resulting in a realistic list of recommendations and actions documented in a Project Review Report.

Engagement is provided on a per project basis.

Education and training
Aimed primarily at people who are new to project work, simple and innovative class-taught packages use scenarios to bring your new teams up to speed with concepts such as planning, managing risk, lessons learned.

Engagement is provided on a per package basis.

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