- DJØF'ernes fortsatte indtog på Borgen 🙁 http://j.mp/q6JmsS #
- Hvad har Infomation og Ekstra Bladet til fælles? Karen Metz og Georg Thisted: http://j.mp/nqzbRA og http://t.co/kYPPDMoo Mavesurhed! #
- Wikileaks, music, and power http://j.mp/nS08cp #
- Something is rocking in the state of Denmark: Why Copenhagen is a startup city to watch http://j.mp/oVCFFB #
- Falder himlen ned over musikbranchen, medier, film, tv, radio, forlag?. dSeneste http://t.co/fJktvBkZ #
- Composer of the Week at BBC 3: Carl Nielsen http://t.co/K4kBKCUX #
- Travels with Manfred Eicher http://t.co/bpi0MtWA #
- My avg. daily fitbit #fitstats for last week: 12,914 steps and 9.8 km traveled. http://t.co/unCX4dre #
- My latest SlideShare upload : IDC Skyen eller Tågen (29-09-2011) http://t.co/gebwLAk5 #
- John Scofield – A Moment's Peace
http://t.co/dNy1aNjA Looks forward to concert tomorrow at Jazzhus Montmartre http://t.co/saWzHZVo #
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