- Classical music critics' conflict of interest http://j.mp/oI2kmo #
- Gustavo Dudamel – hype (induced by his sponsors) or genuine substance? http://j.mp/ri1oa7 #
- En kompromiløs musikanmelder er død http://j.mp/q1eImP #
- For ringe (eller så er jeg for dum): Ingen info på Børsens web-site om dets Ipad app 🙁 @borsendk #
- LAs nye forslag: Win-win for alle (på nær en stor del af den politiske klasse) http://j.mp/oS52cY #
- Kind of obvious, but now scientifically treated: The good and bad psychological impact of social media http://j.mp/nhBmJQ #
- @minkonto De "nyfattige" bliver nok mindre fattige under en så ambitiøs vækstplan end under en "mere af hvad der ikke virker" plan in reply to minkonto #
- @minkonto Hvornår er den blevet prøvet i DK? Landet med den mindste ulighed i hele verden nogensinde siden universets skabelse in reply to minkonto #
- Islam and Democracy: A sober analysis by the Economist which does not leave you predominantly optimistic 🙁 http://econ.st/pGBqLa #
- What is needed to create tech startups in the UK applies in DK as well http://econ.st/pQ7IBJ #
- My avg. daily fitbit #fitstats for last week: 14,026 steps and 10.5 km traveled. http://www.fitbit.com/user/222JNX #
- Sousveillance: crowdsourcing identification of looters http://j.mp/nS9XOu #
- More on innovation killing software patents http://j.mp/ocH5yA #
- A new and very scary field of malicious hacking: Hacking personal medical devices 🙁 http://j.mp/r7KDfr #
- Amazon’s Answer To Apple’s Terms: A Web-Based Kindle Cloud Reader — Brilliant On PC, Better On iPad http://j.mp/n7KHLs #
- I've made plans for Dansk IGF 2011 – en konference om internettets fremtid http://planca.st/rVy #
- I've made plans for Key note on IDC's Security Conference – Denmark http://planca.st/reo #
- In fact this is our dinner table 🙂 http://alexandramai.com/post/8745011106 #
- I've made plans for O'Reilly Tools of Change for Publishing Conference and Creative Commons Global Summit http://planca.st/rkK #
- Support disaster victims in Japan: Eriko Makimura & Co. Kammerballet on 27.08 http://j.mp/qoL5Qh #
- Podio launches powerful Web forms that integrate with its online work platform http://j.mp/oPmMWJ #
- I've made plans for TechCrunch StartupWeek 2011 http://planca.st/rrD #
- ‘Electronic skin’ monitors hearts and brains, controls video games – Taking Quantified Me to the next level http://j.mp/poKZxz #
- Selfish Gene: The Musical | Edinburgh Festival Fringe http://j.mp/pp1AvK #
- @4ND3RS Ungerne her er også helt vilde med den 🙂 in reply to 4ND3RS #
- Cool browser extension: Silence of the Celebs Extension Removes Celebrities from News Sites http://j.mp/pFckAG #
- I've made plans for Media Evolution The Conference http://t.co/hdkcIoM #
- SKAT er et stort "tag-selv-bord" for kammeradvokaten! http://t.co/hsCaKz9 #
- I've made plans for Red Bull Flying Bach http://t.co/eO79IWP #
- I've made plans for ITechLaw 2011 European Conference http://t.co/kb2YnUb #
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