- @emiil @hravnx @dortetoft Ekstremisme trives bedst i samfund, hvor debat – ligemeget hvor ulækker den er – undtrykkes in reply to emiil #
- @mtandrup Ekstremisme findes nok desværre i lige stort omfang på venstre- og højrefløj i DK in reply to mtandrup #
- The facts about terrorisme and extremisme in Europe in 2010 http://j.mp/roKspT #
- @dortetoft Jeg tillader mig at tvivle på, at disse ulækre oplvelser er mere eller mindre udbredte i dag ift. 10, 20 eller 200 år siden in reply to dortetoft #
- Sickening but compelling reading: Intellectual Ventures And The War Over Software Patents. http://j.mp/nkJdJC #
- More competition on WebOS: "Boot to Gecko". Exciting! http://j.mp/mQcS1B #
- I cannot be repeated to often: Software patents kills innovation in startups http://j.mp/rfounN #
- LegalZoom minder om Netvokat, en innovativ dotcom startup som det danske advokatsamfund på det groveste dræbte http://j.mp/nGVaIw #
- My avg. daily fitbit #fitstats for last week: 14,539 steps and 11 km traveled. http://www.fitbit.com/user/222JNX #
- Marked as to-read: Den Politiske Forpligtelse by Kai Sørlander http://bit.ly/p56fM7 #
- Open Cloud Initiative Launches to Drive Open Standards in Cloud Computing | Open Cloud Initiative (OCI) http://j.mp/n8KaVF #
- @dekov @ovelarsen At your service! What seems to be the problem 🙂 in reply to dekov #
- – og indvandrere skulle tilbydes eng. (og dansk) kurser samt eng. tolke (og off. finansieret modersmål undervis. og tolkning afskaffes) #
- Vej til åbent og tolerant dansk samfund: Offentlig information skulle altid afgives også på engelsk #
- ZENDESK rocks! Startup Strives to Make Customer Service a More 'Zen' Experience: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/220076 #
- @filipkirkegaard Engelsk er allerede de facto vores andet sprog in reply to filipkirkegaard #
- Real life variation over Tom Wolfe's Bonfire of the Vanities http://bit.ly/oKcSeg #
- Die Frau ohne Schatten in Copenhagen this spring was a revelation! If you are in Salzburg, don't miss it http://j.mp/r532vN #
- Dark winters gives Scandinavians bigger brains (but does not make them smarter) http://j.mp/rcy0CT #
- @kim_koch Hej Kim, send en ansøgning til os att. Peter Lind Nielsen in reply to kim_koch #
- Interesting rediscovery of Danish economist Ester Boserup in The plough and the now http://econ.st/qy45bI #
- Highly recommended modern music: Listening to Istanbul http://bit.ly/q9Occd Just bought the CD. #
- Wakeup call to western leaders: Learn from Japan and avoid political paralysis! http://econ.st/oZYBNd #
- Endelig en nøgtern analysis af katastrofen i Norge – uden smålige agendaer for nidkære danske kommentatorer http://econ.st/oRoAsk #
- Åben debat, ikke meningskontrol, er en væsentlig reaktion på katastrofen i Norge http://econ.st/q1YAUM #
- Why Defensive Patents are a Contradiction in Term http://j.mp/qb7238 #
- What beautiful photos of our universe! http://j.mp/qYrzyO #
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