- Lessons for today? German Enlightment was very influenced by Oriental poetry, litterature, religion. http://amzn.com/k/1IBHP1U4ZMMER #Kindle #
- Spot on fra Thorborg! http://j.mp/n5mzG2 #
- Jeg vil helt klart helst være fri for 20 mg Simvastatin hver dag! http://j.mp/nfnNzZ #
- Hørt på Danfoss Universe: Hvorfor er fiskere ikke til punk? Fordi de er til havs 🙂 #
- Eclipse Foundation is neither Cathedral or Bazaar but Mall http://j.mp/oJO8LJ #
- Do robots take people’s jobs? http://j.mp/rptK8b #
- Stjernedum udtalelse! Tænk, hvad folk ville sige, hvis den kom fra DF og handlede om en anden type udlændinge? http://j.mp/o1uF70 #
- My avg. daily fitbit #fitstats for last week: 12,670 steps and 9.7 km traveled. http://www.fitbit.com/user/222JNX #
- Early crowsourcing and cloud computing http://amzn.com/k/2Z7AMJ78IM4O8 #Kindle #
- Truly ahead of his times or just incomprehensible: Charles Babbage? http://amzn.com/k/3RM1GZ14SG3TC #Kindle #
- @villum @chulu Samme her in reply to villum #
- Forudsigelse: Hvem er imod at efterligne Finland her? Danmarks Lærerforening, naturligvis! http://j.mp/otCNRC #
- Microsoft just want to say Happy Birthday! | The Linux Foundation Video Site http://j.mp/mXhovk #
- Wauw. Miles Davis 1970 with 2/3 of Keith Jarrett line-up from CJF this year http://bit.ly/ncwVNI #
- Gotta start saving till September launch: Nye Libratone-højttalere har AirPlay http://j.mp/oxbA4Q #
- Jorn, Athletico Bilbao og triolektisk fodbold, cool! http://j.mp/nOuPG3 #
- Really where impressive where Helgasson and his Unity team is taking the company! http://j.mp/pIANZX #
- Spot on analysis by @glynmoody of why patent trolls destroys innovation 🙁 http://j.mp/puaTcN #
- @Claus Husk, at der er koldt på toppen 😉 in reply to Claus #
- Not the last time that new tech has been pronounced the killer of newspapers http://amzn.com/k/27DPB1AG9IFQ7 #Kindle #
- LOL, texting by telegraph and SMS is very similar http://amzn.com/k/26WKMDVYTZ7OU #Kindle #
- Værd at (gen)se: Krasnik hudfletter en "rollemodel" http://t.co/7DpPTvy #
- The future belongs to transparency. Get it! http://j.mp/rcrj8I #
- Relevant artikel om Weimar og Buchenwald, når man er midt Watson's German Genius http://t.co/FviGCQD #
- @chulu Hvorfor frygter du ikke terror i DK? in reply to chulu #
- Lad en indsamling til Afrika starte med, at man giver afkald på Kanye West koncerten og indbetaler et tilsvarende beløb! #
- @chulu Enig, men jeg frygter stadig terror i DK 🙁 in reply to chulu #
- Disruptive power of barbed wire. Sounds a lot like an early version of the Internet http://amzn.com/k/1OPMHUDWT32OU #Kindle #
- Claude Shannon, in his master thesis from 1937, describing the binary principle of modern computing http://amzn.com/k/19FJSAJKJR3QG #Kindle #
- @dortetoft At vi i DK lukkede svinehunden ud i den offentlige debat 10 år siden, er måske grunden til, at ekstremisterne findes i SE og NO in reply to dortetoft #
- Norway – Grieg, landscape and moral values http://j.mp/ojaRoG #
- For @ronnierocket 🙂 Contemporary music uncovered http://j.mp/mOEaUM #
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