3o and 31 August 2011, the first version of Rebuild21, a business conference, will take place in Copenhagen. Rebuild21 seeks to get modern business leaders and social entrepreneurs to come together to discuss innovation, sustainability and new business models.

My law firm Bender von Haller Dragsted is a contributing partner and I have been sparring with the founder Sofus Midtgaard about the conference format and content.

I will be moderating a break-out session on

Open Business Models of the 21st Century

Open source has moved from garage to mainstream. Companies like Google, Mozilla, WordPress and TED (TEDx) has in very different ways shown the power of open source, open data and open business models.

Get inspired by how open source and open business models are changing the way we do business. Originally an IT/tech phenomenon – open source thinking is now proliferating to more traditional areas – creating new open business models. In this break-out session we will discuss the potentials and challenges working with open source and open business models.

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