In search of a Social Media Assistant

This icon, known as the "feed icon" ...
Image via Wikipedia

I have become a social media addict. Both in my private and professional life, I have become more and more dependent on if not staying ahead of the curve then at least on surfing the social media wave. I need to update my status on Facebook and to read all my friends tweets and look on the Flickr (sorry, 23) photos not to feel socially isolated. I need the same social media to  make clients and potential clients as well as journalist and the public at large constantly and continuously aware of my legal and other business skills in order to secure a steady stream of billable hours from which wonderful invoices can be generated.

But this is becoming harder and harder. Even though all the tools are mine for the taking right there on my laptop, right there through my browser, so many new things are happening everyday, so many new services, so many plugins, som much fine-tunning, RSS feeds syndication, SEO, adwords and so on.

I need someone to help me maintain my online persona, to amplify my status updates, blogposts and tweets. I am not looking for a ghost writer. I know what I want to communicate and I am perfectly capable of authoring my own content, thank you.


Ideally, you would be an university student probably working your way through the first years of one of those new fancy communication, media or information technology programmes that were not around when I was young.

You should help me about 5-10 hours a month with optimizing my use of social media, in particular:

  • keeping house at my blog media “family”:, and
  • getting blogposts syndicated by trackbacks, RSS feeds, blogrolls, twitter, facebook and so on,
  • monitoring traffic at Google analytics,
  • updating widgets and plugins,
  • organising other content (slides and presentation, calender, photos and video)
  • editing and tagging podcasts and videocasts
  • basic SEO and adwords
  • setting up affiliate deals (t-shirts, books and rapports)
  • some general proofreading and editing of blogcontent
  • and much more.

I will pay on a hourly basis in accordance with rates normally paid to a student.

If you are there, please show yourself.

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  1. Edward Hansen avatar

    Hey, I am interested. I am a 1st year Digital Media and Design student at ITU. Where do I apply?
    PS: Heard about it from Anders @ITU.

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