Keynote by Scott K. Handy, VP IBM

Linux will do for applications what the Internet did for networks. When the Internet came about there where many other networks. After the Internet, all the networks merged into one network.

IBM initially approached Linux by investigating throroughly the strengths and weaknesses of Linux. Long white-paper on the issue. Multiyear roadmap on how to handle the problems.

Presently IBM has 600 people in the Linux Technology Center. 43 locations. 150 open source projects. 600 people on IBM payroll to make Linux and other open source software better.

Why is open source important? A major source of innovation. Great community approach with lot of eyeballs to solve problems. There are many problems that call for all people to participate in the solutions. Good approach to developing emerging standards. Enterprise customers like open source because of the flexibility.

Lesson learned. Open sourcing of the J2EE XML parser was necessary to accelerate the adoption of an open standard.

Establishment of the IBM Open Source Steering Committee to coordinate IBM efforts in the field. Guidance and rejection of certain internal projects. Competition for good projects.

Key focus is Linux. IBM is ecognized a major contributor to the kernel. Not IBM but IBM employees. Other projects: HTTP server, Xerces XML server, Xalan XSLT stylesheet, Axis SOAP, Web services Invocation Framework, Web Services Inspection Language.

Eclipse is a cross platform for developing tools for open source project. Promoting growing skills in programming.

Globus and grid technology. Strong IBM involvment. An emerging thing. Not adopted as a standard yet.

Open source project in a capitalistic system needs support from at least one vendor or customer. You need at least one cheerleader.

Linux enables on demand business. Business should be able to adapt to changes in the market also with respect to the use of IT.

Linux helps to simplify the IT environment for businesses. IT infrastructure – Firewall, Print/File, web, server, e-mail – can be structured around Linux.

At the application layer Linux can also help to consolidate servers.

Linux are used to base enterprise applications on. SAP etc.

Linux on the desktop is not that mature yet. But real cost saving in certain cases by using industry specific applications and browser based clients.

Not that large TCO savings on using openoffice on the desktop when used as a compliment to MS office suite. The problem is that you are not substituting but complimenting and thus have to maintain to desktop environment.

3-10 years transition period before we will see the large impact of open source software on the desktop.

IBM Linux strategy: Darwin quote: “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent but the one most responsive to change”

In order to be successful in open source business: Focus on customers not on code.

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