Reboot 6.0

Friday 20 June 2003 was Reboot 6.0 day. For the sixth consecutive time Thomas Madsen-Mygdal invited people to his unique gathering where people from the Internet world get together to discuss technology, society and changes. To have been able to hold this event since 1998 and every year through boom and bust times is per se a momentous achievement by Thomas which exemplifies his spirit and commitment.

And Reboot gets better every year. This year’s Reboot gave us a slate of fantastic speakers with insights to share, a maturing application of the open space concept and the first experience on Danish grounds of live blogging and online interaction. Furthmore, Reboot are becoming an international event.

Keep up the good work, Thomas. Reboot has the potential to become a recurring event in the same league as Esther Dyson’s HighTech Forum is (was?). Maybe, next year you should reinvent your “angry-young-man slamming Microsoft and the Danish establishment” image. Perhaps, the expected change in your personal life will change that automatically 😉

  1. Gunnar Langemark avatar

    Right about that one.
    I think we all noticed the not so polite tone of voice coming through between the presentations.

    That’ll all change I guess.

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