- Nice 10.00 km time just before end of the weekend @runkeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/CRDvXcUe #RunKeeper #
- Kulturnat i Admiral Gjeddes Gaard – http://t.co/AgqLSIem #
- Hopefully, the Arab was not a precursor for a bloody winter: Deadly Protests Over Church Attack in Cairo: http://t.co/PN8SxFx0 #
- @nielsflensted Nyd det og hils familien in reply to nielsflensted #
- http://t.co/nghgTwEa: Vores direktør er blevet minister http://t.co/H80HsKgu #
- My avg. daily fitbit #fitstats for last week: 15,063 steps and 11.5 km traveled. http://t.co/unCX4dre #
- Never heard about Barthold Niebuhr before http://t.co/LKQEFevY #Kindle #
- Marked as to-read: Mig og Stalin by Samuel Rachlin http://t.co/gMwZRXGR #
- http://t.co/nghgTwEa: Notes from Freemium/Premium panel http://t.co/KsKhBBJi #
- Are Finnish lawyers boring? http://t.co/2aqLLXJu #
- http://t.co/nghgTwEa: EG acquires Thy Data http://t.co/XTT0rDOB #
- Den ene dumme blondine om den anden: "Døm hende ikke for hendes etiske moral," 🙂 #
- Wonderfull JT! http://t.co/azroaTYu: the track Never Die Young by Luciana Souza on Spotify #
- Artists getting fed before Berio's Sequenza performance tonight at Admiral Gjeddes Gaard http://t.co/L1BVZwU6 #
- @Claus Så må du nøjes med en af de mange Sequenza indspillinger på Spotify 😉 in reply to Claus #
- Hvem er de nyttige idioter her? http://t.co/m95MhtzX #
- Spot on: Velfærdsteknologi: Næste danske boble? http://t.co/04Pha8my #
- @udkantsadam Helt enig! in reply to udkantsadam #
- @chulu Enig! in reply to chulu #
- mySugr could be a very interesting app for a diabetic and QS-freak http://t.co/gFD1jX5B #
- I want to watch 'Limitless' ▶ http://t.co/BReTWEAL #
- Great that Mikkel Holm Sørensen is back http://t.co/8OVU7MxH #
- EL politiker fattet det: Absurd at kræve offentlig støtte til autonomi http://t.co/rAC33UxI #
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