- I was at Jazzfestival (Gothersgade, i Kongens Have, København K) http://4sq.com/j4S3YE #
- I was at Statens Museum for Kunst listening to Marcin Wasilewski Trio (Sølvgade 48, København) http://4sq.com/lVUIfg #
- RT @kaepora @thorborg : Remember that both Visa and MasterCard still allow donations to the Ku Klux Klan, but specifically block WikiLeaks. #
- Magt korrumperer! http://bit.ly/jlkGGs #
- Showstopper from the Economist: The Space age has ended! http://econ.st/mpNh4I #
- The choice that China has to make: Universalists v exceptionalists? I vote for the former! http://econ.st/leN6x2 #
- Cablegate: Visa and MasterCard face legal problems over WikiLeaks blockade http://bit.ly/jhQw1y #
- These are probably some private details I wouldn't share on openlife.dk 🙂 http://j.mp/lmHk00 #
- WikiLeaks sues Visa, Mastercard over 'financial blockade' http://j.mp/jOzL2q #
- I'm seeing The Pyramids at Copenhagen Jazz Festival 2011. Psychedelic jazz ala Sun Ra #
- I'm seeing (at a distance) Larry Graham & Graham Central Station (US) at Copenhagen Jazz Festival 2011. #
- Hanif Kureishi: "In fact, it’s racist not to attack a religion" http://j.mp/kQk00e #
- Scientifically proved: Worry less, be more happy and your risk of heart disease is statistically lower 🙂 http://j.mp/l2dov1 #
- Creative Commons: Free! Music! Contest 2011 – FreeMixter | musik.klarmachen-zum-aendern.de http://j.mp/lEEw5U #
- A ittle more information from Digital Journal: Wikileaks to sue Visa and Mastercard over 'financial blockade… (cont) http://deck.ly/~AOUGb #
- Tradeshift shows momentum! http://j.mp/kWju72 #
- Report shows that Internet is actually very good for you despite all the bad press http://j.mp/lEYhmL #
- Jens Rohde fører liberal politik: Udfordrer Microsofts kontorpakke monopol i EU. Venstre i DK skulle tage i lære! http://bit.ly/mLHzMS #
- This is why we need web 3.0 services such as @nuffly and @memolane and many others. Users have to get datacontrols http://j.mp/julGoY #
- I'm seeing Ok Nok…Kongo at Copenhagen Jazz Festival 2011. #
- WordPress 3.2 rocks (so far)! #
- I'm seeing Dánjal at Copenhagen Jazz Festival 2011. Far-out hippie music from the Faroe Islands #
- My avg. daily fitbit #fitstats for last week: 16,727 steps and 12.6 km traveled. http://www.fitbit.com/user/222JNX #
- Henvisning til min udtalelse om økonomiske potentiale ved "genrug" af OSS i off. sektor http://t.co/ViOPP5o #ossdk #
- Wikileaks-retssag mod Visa og MasterCard kommer til Danmark http://j.mp/qOJ1OO #
- More on Wikileaks, Datacell and threat of law suits http://bit.ly/qbnStV and http://bit.ly/ojBYEp #
- Good news for all at the European startup scene! 21 European investors agree on standard term sheet for startups http://j.mp/plrpTH #
- Assange comments on the Wikileaks' threat to file law suit http://t.co/nh1qauJ #
- When you can make succesful products yourself, put a tax on other firm's succesful products 🙁 http://j.mp/nGafIm #
- Startups: Arctic15 Competition Is Now Open For Companies Over 12 Months http://j.mp/o0FDBp #
- Som i USA således også i Danmark: Lærernes fagforening er største forhindring for forandring til bedre folkeskole 🙁 http://j.mp/oA26Ih #
- Spot on fra @Claus. Kunne også have nævnt Wozniacki http://j.mp/ri1DMT #
- Pls. retweet: Hurry donate! Credit card donation to WikiLeaks is now accepted again http://bit.ly/qL8fVt #
- Ny dansk post: Overvågning eller farvel til det frie og åbne internet http://bit.ly/nWrpJi #
- APNewsBreak: WikiLeaks getting credit card funds http://bit.ly/ponX1l @datacellcom #
- Agree. Le Meur has got it entirely wrong here http://j.mp/oQo9bc #
- Rethink of "sex, drugs and rock 'n roll" 🙂 Poor diet, alcohol, drugs and smoking linked to sex problems http://j.mp/nl1WNh #
- Wikileaks: Vi har hul igennem til donationer http://j.mp/p1z2PK #
- Åbenhed et sted retter lyset mod andre dunkle steder! SF bringer dansk Google-censur i Folketinget http://j.mp/oA8mWf #
- Datacell’s payment gateway: Open, then shut. #wikileaks #
- Datacell’s payment gateway: Open, then shut. #wikileaks http://bit.ly/owauXT #
- Spiste Bech's lækre muslinger og blev del af et kunstværk på Marianne Friis Gallery http://j.mp/p5LXra #
- It-sikkerhedskomiteen retter fokus på botnet http://bit.ly/nlJexj #
- Sign up for StartupBootcamp! Copenhagen, Denmark – Applications are open until July 15th 2011 http://bit.ly/nOkzhn #sbootcamp #
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