I spend a week two years ago in Tokyo just as a tourist. Since then I have wanted to go back to visit some companies, lawfirms, business people to try to establish som kind of network that I could work with in the future. But somehow it always seemed very difficult for someone like me with no prior presence in or connection to Japanese society to penetrate the establishment there without a gateway in the form of some people who could introduce me to the right people in say Tokyo.
I think that found that person now. Sam Kondo Steffensen – with whom and Boye Hartmann (to the right in the picture above) I am helping out EasyFlow, an IT solution company based on Noerrebro in Copenhagen – is unique as a Dane married to a Japanese, that speaks japanese and that has assisted in Japan with seting-up clusters for technology start-ups. Japan here I come
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samkondosteffensen, easyflow, boyehartmann
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