Officially part of the Creative Commons team

Support CC - 2007

I am now officially together with Henrik Moltke public project lead of the Danish Creative Commons chapter.

At the risk of offsetting the rest of the splendid Danish team I think that I can claim to be the first Danish Creative commoner. I corresponded with Larry Lessig already back in 2002-3 about a Danish version of the CC licenses, but in truth the project didn’t move before Henrik Moltke and the good people at the Law Department of Copenhagen Business School got involved.

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  1. […] Internet-juristen Martin von Haller Grønbæk skriver på sin blog i dag at han nu officielt er indtrædt i den danske afdeling af Creative Commons (CC). Ideen med Creative Commons er ifølge Wikipedia: at udvide spektret af fri kultur ved at gøre flere kunstneriske værker legalt tilgængelige til deling og modifikation. […]

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