At the "Danish Social Forum"


When Larry Lessig is in Denmark to speak, I will not miss out. Today, I heard him speak at the Denmark’s Social Forum on copyright reform. Henrik Moltke was moderating the session which also included Rasmus Fleischer from Piratbyrån. Not much new there. There is a good comment on the session (in Danish) here.

Walking away from the tent in which the session took place I couldn’t help notice the relative small number of people present at the forum (ok, everybody might have been to lunch or inside the tents attending other sessions). The event seemed like a very clear sympton of the miserable state of the Danish (and maybe not just the Danish) radical left wing. Mostly, people at my age or older (that means OLD folks) clinging on the old memes that have died out everywhere else than in their small enclosed circles. Believe or not, there where sessions on things like the economic theories of Che Guevarras.

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  1. Joergen Ramskov avatar
    Joergen Ramskov

    I didn’t even know he was in Denmark, I would love to hear/see him speak some day.

  2. […] In countinuance of my posting on the panel on copright at Danish Social Forum, check out the postings by Rasmus Fleischer and by Henrik Moltke: […]

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