Vilhelm and Jens are doing fine!

It is amazing how time flies! It seems like yesterday when Vilhelm was born (November 1999) and now he is a small man at 7 years who is tackling the big questions of life. Today he out of nowhere asked me: “Dad, why do we believe in God?” (I won’t give you my answer ’cause I had none at hand). Later he observed: “Dad, the most important thng is evidence or proof. But Dad, should we prove that God exists or should we prove that he doesn’t exist?” Hmmnn. I think that I have to reread my Dawkins bible to answer that one.

Jens, on the other hand, who is now almost 10 months old is literally close to taking his first steps. He stands erect now and holds his balance for some seconds before he in a relatively controlled manner sits down on his well-polstered but. He definitely has his own mind and character but he also reminds a lot of Vilhelm at that age and their physical appearance is so much alike that I often cannot distinguish them at pictures taken at the same age. It is such a privilege to know that all the joy that I have experienced being a part of Vilhelm’s growing up I will be able to relive that with Jens.

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