It's Not Pirates Killing Music

I am a big fan of Economist. Actually, to get me through big complex issues of world politics ans business I more or less rely on the Economist’s editorials. But not everybody seems to agree here as follows below 🙂

It’s Not Pirates Killing Music: “

Even though I think the Economist’s motto is “Everything in the Economist is true, except those stories you know something about,” I pass on this article on the music business. You know most of it, of course: Internet is a threat to the music business, blah, blah, blah. But it has some good nuggets in it, like this one.

“According to an internal study done by one of the majors, between two-thirds and three-quarters of the drop in sales in America had nothing to do with internet piracy. No-one knows how much weight to assign to each of the other explanations: rising physical CD piracy, shrinking retail space, competition from other media, and the quality of the music itself. But creativity doubtless plays an important part.”

(Via business2blog.)