Some of you might remember my posting from way back June 1 concerning my heart attack. Here’s some very good news. The whole thing has actually evolved into a very positive experience for me!
I am now down approximately 10 kilos from before Xmas and thus now able to fit most of the clothes that had been put away for more than 10 years. I am doing a lot of exercise (running, playing squash, lifting weights). Now, I eat only good and healthy stuff: Little fat, almost only vegatable fat, and close to no refined sugar.
4 weeks ago I went to a heart check at the hospital. As part of that I did a heart stress at an exercise bicycle. The conclusion by the doctors: My condition is like that of an average 25-30 years old and I have less than 3% of a chance (considerably less than the average person a my age) of getting another heart attack.
On top of that message, the diabetes doctor told me 5 weeks ago that my radically changed eating habits plus regular exercise had broght my blood sucker under control in a way that it now was not unlikely that I in a year or so, if I kept up the good work and improved even more, that I could all together skip taking insulin.
So I live a healthy life now and I feel great about it!
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