Christian is a true Danish Internet pioneer. Schade is co-author with Morten Steiniche of Virtual Reality – en bog om den kunstige virkelighed (Borgens Forlag, 1992). The first book about Virtual Reality in Danish. Schade writes about VR and information technology for the danish daily Politiken. He have also written poetry, been editor of a hypertekst-edition of the aforementioned newspaper and written a report for the EU about the TEN-IBC-NAVIGATOR project.
After having worked as chief editor at Ingeniøren – a Danish online newspaper, after having played an instrumental part in developing DR online, and after having been in charge of portal strategy for Yahoo Nordic, Christian is now the chief editor at Virk – the new Danish business – government portal.
Christian and I had pizzas for lunch today Wednesday 13. August 2003 in Hellerup.
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