Microsoft Settles FTC Charges Alleging False Security and Privacy Promises

I think that it is about time that the IT-industry comes of age and start supplying user with products and information that comply with the same standards of reasonableness as other industries have to comply with. And so does luckilly an increasing amount of other people:

Passport Single Sign-In, Passport “Wallet,” and Kids Passport Named in Complaint Allegations

Microsoft Corporation has agreed to settle Federal Trade Commission charges regarding the privacy and security of personal information collected from consumers through its “Passport” web services. As part of the settlement, Microsoft will implement a comprehensive information security program for Passport and similar services.

  1. Per Haugaard avatar

    Enig. Der burde ikke være forskel mellem “the on-line world” og “the off-line world”.
    Vi publicerer forøvrigt imorgen EU Kommissionen’s valg af det register der skal køre .eu. Vi regner med at det register vil kunne starte registreringer af navne omkring sidst på året. Se: (under speeches/media).

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