Red Herring ceases publication, as original founders plan comeback.
The Silicon Valley based monthly magazine Red Herring seems to have become the latest victim of the slump in advertisement spending in the aftermath of the dotcom bubble burst. Too bad, I really enjoyed the insight from this magazine. Ironically, it is my opinion that the quality of Red Herring actually reached its peak in the last two years as its journalists had to scrap all the hype and get down to describing what really went on with respect to emerging technolgies. It think they in this final period managed to reach a very good balance between refraining from hype while on the other hand not become turncoats befallen automatically to decry Internet technologies and startup companies that based their business ideas on the Internet.
The latest issue (the 10th anniversary issue) from March 2003 has a brilliant article (which unfortunately does not seem to be published online) on the role of the large public company in modern society. The article is written by John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge (the authors of A Future Perfect: The Challenge and Promise of Globalization) and is based on their upcoming book The Company: A Short History of a Revolutionary Idea.
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