PC Forum 2002. I

PC Forum 2002. I just received the printed proceedings from this year’s PC Forum back in March in Scottsdale, Arizona. The picture of me between two other attendees – Gert Birnbacher from the Danish eBusiness Association and Andreas Kemi from Fathom Technology – is from the conference book. It’s one of the very few events that I cannot miss. Hopefully, my conference allowances permits my to go next year again.

  1. Robert Anderson avatar
    Robert Anderson

    My name is Robert Anderson and I am a Gartner Group analyst. I’m trying to get the contact information for Andreas Kemi as he has obviously moved on from Scala/Epicor, etc. Would you kindly forward his email. I have a start-up client in the German ERP market that would like to converse with him.

    Best regards,


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