The reckless network administrator. Børsen – the Danish daily business newspaper – ran a story today (Tuesday March 5, 2002) in the Informatik section p. 6 with the title Sikkerheds-boomerang truer (Security boomerang poses a threat) (registration is necessary). The article is based on the article Den Uforsvalige Netværksadministrator (The Reckless Network Administrator) that Bill Reilly and I published in the November 2001 issue of the Danish monthly accounting journal Revision & Regnskabsvæsen. In the Børsen article I am advocating that the Danish IT-industry should take the initiative in laying down and promoting rules on a self-regulatory basis to give business guidelines as to what level of IT-security is considered good and reasonable practice. The same rules could be used by the courts to determine what constitutes the actions and omissions of a reckless network administrator. '
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